
Certified ScrumMaster
All attendees who complete the CSM training course and pass the Scrum Alliance CSM online exam immediately become Certified ScrumMasters (CSMs), and will receive an electronic certificate and CSM profile page on the Scrum Alliance website. Certification is based on full attendance and active participation in the course, and successfully passing the exam. (There is not an option to take the exam without first having completed the CSM course.) Project Management Institute PMP's are eligible for 16 PDU's for completing the Standard 2-day CSM training course, and 24 PDU's for completing the Enhanced 3-day CSM training course.

Certified Scrum Product Owner
All attendees who complete the CSPO training course immediately become Certified Scrum Product Owners (CSPOs), and will receive an electronic certificate and CSPO profile page on the Scrum Alliance website. Certification is based on full attendance and active participation in the course. There is no CSPO exam currently required. Project Management Institute PMP's are eligible for 16 PDU's for completing the Standard 2-day CSPO training course.